Wednesday, September 20

ishika's mom

i'm pretty excited about this blog of mine. and hopefully will be keep it going for a much longer time than i have for most other 'sudden' interests.

sent out a mail to some of my frens, telling them abt this new quirk of mine.

appu posted a comment. so guess i'll write abt here in this missive.

appu was in college with me. in pune.
and if u know any or rather both of us, you'd know straight away we couldn't be friends.

this calls for a quick refresher course. tick off the below.
- strong headed
- opinionated.
- vociferous
- non bengali's speaking the language
(must confess she got better command on the language)

but they say God moves in mysterious ways.

we've had are bouts of not talking. talking. ignoring. snarling and finally since we were both getting tired, settled on being where we are.
'comfortable' with each other.

read both her blogs today. superb i'd say to her personal one. ishika's is sweet.
and that's not appu...

got lots to write. donno where to start. so best visit the below.

1 comment:

The Ketchup Girl said...

:)..felt good. made my day. dunno why..just felt good. period. listen next time dont forget to hyperlink the sites/words u want others to go to so that the reader can directly go to the site from your blog!