Thursday, October 12

etc etc etc

My fear seems to be coming true. Can't motivate myself to keep posting day in and day out.
Probably I don't need to. Probably I lead a boring life.
Come on, can’t be. I am the worm.

So come on worm, speak.

Seems like AJ liked the attention, time and cyber space I've spent on him.
What are frens for AJ?

Appu's written something about me. Read it and felt it was good. Well, that's my opinion. Guess you'd have to visit her blog to be a judge. She's written about some stuff I'd forgotten. After having read wot she's written, I too miss the school and college days. Minus the exams, tests and punishments.
And since these are part and parcel of school and college life, I'd settle for the 2 years of SIMC. Man! Was life fun.

But I do miss Cal. (Calcutta, for the uninitiated.) Miss those late night addas under the streetlight. Roll call time.
Chotu (to and from sutta breaks)
Adil (to and from gym and alipore)
Gablu (avoiding his dad)

These were the regulars. Then there were the non para boys.
Ajeesh, Jomy, Aditya (Andy;s fren)

No matter where we all went to spent the evening. Russell Street dhaba, Sharma's, Tantra, Someplace Else, Karnani, John's coop or Rajdeep's mezzanine floor. The gathering under the light was a daily ritual. Only to be missed owing to high (read excess) intake of alcohol, get lucky (read scoring with the chicks) and annual report card.

God, I Miss those times!

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