Friday, November 10

Appu ab idhar hai…

All this Appu talk of late was getting to me. And what better way to bring all this to an end by having her come down.
And that's precisely what she did. Bags, baggage and meeshu et al
The itinerary was set. She'd be here for a week. Sunday to Sunday.
Left the rest of the planning to the 'main man' - Chidu.

Arrival date: Sunday 5th November

9:30 am shopping for the list Appu demanded for. Carrots, beans, mixer, grinder etc etc etc.
Salary IN 1st November. Salary OUT 5th November. (for Chidu, I must add)

Flight lands at 11 or so. But like always we were late. So the master decided to skip the dropping of shopping bags at base and instead lug them all the way to the airport.
He also had some theory about getting the cab driver to park in some 'special' place.
It was to be a clean pick-up. A job that would up the bar for the CIA. In-out in 5 mins flat.

Flat it sure was. No not the tyre, you silly! How very predictable. The plan fell flat on it's or rather our face. The flight was late. Chidu couldn't find the 'special' place and so on and so forth.

2 shady looking 'madrasi boys' outside the arrival lounge.
2 carry bags with carrots, mixer-grinder etc.
'What bomb are they thinking of next?' was the question let out by those prying eyes.
Though must admit that got more raised eyebrows from the womankind.
And they weren't bothered with this threat-shreat business.
All of them were dying, no pun intended, to know where we got the vegetables from and whether we'd driven a better bargain than themselves.

Finally the flight landed. And yes! Appu took the 'toy train' of the aeroplane world - Air Deccan.

Cut to home. The introduction with Meeshu didn't go as planned.
I scared her. She cried.
Appu stared at me.
I stared at Meeshu. She cried.

Right then Meeshu felt for me the kind of love Cocoa feels for the thermometer and the places it visits on her body. Cocoa doesn't normally say anything. She cried!

Now that Appu came.
Gargi and Kaushik came.
Vicky came.
Even Anu came.
Vicky will come again.
Vinnie came.
Good i say!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

and now i miss cocoa's lick, raju's tang, chidu's sulk, and the wormie's irking-self-gratifying-oneliners.